Christmas Is Coming......
It is so fun to see Isaiah's eyes light up when he sees our tree lite up and all the other lights on around the house. He gets so excited when we turn all the Christmas lights on in the house. He runs around the house squealing and pointing to them. It is so cute! Plus, he is getting more and more interactive. He wants us to read and read and read him books and the same ones over and over again! It is great on one hand and on the other hand repetition can be an annoying thing at time. All parents know this or anyone who has spent many hours and days around children. However, it is exciting that one of Isaiah's favorite things to do is read. Marshall and I decided to tile our shower and remodel our bathroom for our Christmas present to ourselves. It is quit the task for this season. Marshall is working hard to get it done, because it is our only shower and tub in the house. Thanks to good neighbors who are letting us take showers every other day there. This is tough. He is working hard at it and doing a wonderful job.
At least that makes for good incentive to get the job done quickly. You'll have to post a photo of the finished product.
Hey, thanks for the Isaiah ornament/photo; but, I keep hearing about a Christmas letter that I haven't seen. Can I get a copy of that?
7:55 PM
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